Mike Johnson, Locksmith
Professional Locksmith since 2002.
serves clients in western Wisconsin, mostly Pierce & St. Croix Counties.
is available afternoons, evenings, weekends, and other options by request.
feels his availability works best for lock outs and rekeys for homes, small business, rental properties, and automotive lock outs.
had an opportunity to have his father, Gordy Johnson of Gordie's Lock & Key, as a valuable mentor in the locksmith profession.
transitioned to his own business name: Johnson Lock & Key in 2014.
does NOT replace lost car keys.
does NOT work on low voltage systems.
does NOT work on safes.
would be happy to recommend professional locksmiths who can assist with these tasks that are out of his expertise.

Gordy Johnson, Locksmith
In honor and loving memory
Gordy Johnson was an experienced professional locksmith and owner of Gordie's Lock and Key until his passing in 2016. He was a great mentor to Mike by providing information on client jobs to aid in customer service. His wealth of locksmith knowledge was shared with many and is sorely missed.